Haunted Brewery CTF

It’s up to you to solve the mysteries that lie within. From corrupted data to haunted systems, you must navigate the paranormal to restore the brewery’s integrity... if you can.

Are you brave enough to uncover the truth behind the Haunted Brewery?

The Tale of the Haunted Brewery

On Halloween night, 2025, Jack Knight made a decision no one in Hoptopolis had dared to for decades: he purchased the long-abandoned brewery on the outskirts of town. Everyone knew the legends—whispers of a cursed place haunted by restless spirits and plagued by relentless cyber attacks. But Jack laughed it all off. Curses, ghosts in the machines, hacking incidents—just tall tales, he told himself. And for only $1,000, the deal was too good to pass up. He wasn’t about to let a dark history of failed brews and failed businesses scare him away from entering the craft beer market.

But as Jack and his team cleaned and polished the old equipment, even his ironclad confidence began to crack. It started subtly. The smart lights in the tasting rooms would flicker and turn an eerie red during peak hours, casting unsettling shadows. The automated brewing systems would glitch—pressure gauges spiking, temperatures plummeting without cause. At first, Jack chalked it up to the outdated tech. But when he brewed his first batch of their flagship IPA, "Hoptopi," he knew the rumors weren't just stories.

Every detail of the brewing process was meticulously monitored by Jack, DJ Zoro, and Matt Oolan. They measured, tasted, adjusted—everything followed the recipe to the letter. But when bottling day came, something was terribly wrong. Jack raised the first bottle to his lips, expecting the crisp bitterness of their IPA. Instead, he spat it out, eyes wide with shock.

“What the hell is this?!” he shouted, his voice echoing through the silent brewery. “This isn’t Hoptopi!”

Zoro and Oolan, just as confused, grabbed their own bottles. They too recoiled, spitting the liquid to the floor. It wasn’t their IPA. It wasn’t even craft beer at all. It was... Buddy Light!

Suddenly, a low, sinister laugh filled the air, coming from the fermenter. Another laugh echoed from the mash tun. Then from the bottling machine, the cash register—every piece of equipment in the brewery was alive, cackling in eerie unison. The lights snapped off with a deafening thunk, plunging the brewery into darkness. But the room didn’t stay dark for long.

A sickly glow—purple, blue, and green—seeped from the machines. As Jack and his team watched in horror, the equipment dissolved, replaced by ghostly figures, their translucent forms illuminated by a spectral light. The laughter grew louder, echoing in their ears as the phantoms swirled around them.

Terrified, the three men bolted for the door, the howls of the laughing spirits chasing them into the night. The echoes of their fear followed them down the street, long after they disappeared beyond the horizon, as the cursed brewery pulsed with the glow of the undead.
